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Turn your forklift into an aerail work platform. The Star Industries Safety Work Platform:
- Reaches over obstacles
- Goes where scissor lifts can't
- Provides a wider platform than a boom lift
- Faster than scaffolding
- Full Perimeter Guard Rail System constructed of 1 1/4" square steel tubing & consisting of a 42" high top rail, a mid rail, and 4" high toe boards. Access gates with drop pin latches are provided at each end.. Entire Guard Rail System can be easily removed and laid flat on platform for transportation.
- Deck consists of a strong but lightweight engineered steel frame and replaceable plywood deck with a non-skid coating.
- The "Universal Fit" Slip-On-The-Forks design. Platform can be used with both Extendible Reach and Straight Mast forklifts. Forks slide into steel fork pockets and are secured with two heavy duty steel pins behind the heel of the forks. They are designed for use with a 48" or wider carriage and 48" long forks up to 7" wide and 2 3/4" thick. Forks longer than 48" can be used, however, they will extend out past the front of the platform.
- All Models are rated at 1,000 lbs. load capacity. This rating applies to the platform only and does not reflect the capabilities of the forklift.
Safety Work Platforms
Universal Fit "Slip-on-Forks" Models
Model No.
4 ft.
315 lbs.
8 ft.
425 Ibs.
10 ft.
515 lbs.
12 ft.
590 lbs.
16 ft.
750 lbs.